Hr tech product Consulting

There is little technology can't do these days. HR technology stands as a cornerstone of innovation, offering organisations a myriad of transformative tools and promising unparalleled user experiences. However, amidst this wealth of options, one crucial aspect often overlooked is the precision and reliability of data—vital factors for informed decision-making that profoundly impact both organizational strategies and individual career trajectories. At Self In Progress, we understand the gravity of choosing the right HR tech solution, especially considering the hefty implementation costs and the challenges of reversing or replacing once in place. Our consulting services are designed to guide you through this complex terrain, helping you evaluate, shortlist, build and implement HR tech solutions that align seamlessly with your organisational goals. With us, you won't have to compromise between user experience and scientific rigour—because sometimes, you truly can have your cake and eat it!

how can we help?

HR Tech Product evaluation

Comprehensive evaluation of HR Tech products to assess their alignment with organisational values, objectives, and individual career purposes. This includes analyzing features, functionality, data accuracy, reliability, and scientific validity..

customized hr tech solutions

Tailored HR Tech solutions designed to meet the unique needs and goals of organisations and individuals. This involves selecting, configuring, and implementing HR Tech products that align with their values, objectives, and career aspirations.

data accuracy & reliability analysis

Rigorous analysis of HR Tech tools to ensure data accuracy, reliability, and integrity. This includes assessing data sources, data collection methods, and data processing algorithms to provide reliable insights for informed decision-making.

scientific validation services

Validation of HR Tech products through scientific methods and research to ensure their effectiveness and validity. This may involve conducting validation studies, psychometric analyses, and reliability testing to verify the accuracy and reliability of assessment tools and algorithms.

user experience optimisation

Enhancement of user experience in HR Tech products while maintaining scientific rigor. This includes recommendations for improved user interface design, navigation, and usability to ensure a seamless and intuitive user experience for both organisations and individuals.

training & education

Training programs and workshops on HR Tech best practices, data interpretation, and utilisation to empower organisations and individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to leverage HR Tech products effectively.


  • “Best Analytics, Measurement, and Business Impact Solution” (2022)

    HR Tech

  • Excellence in Technology Gold Award for “Best Advance in Career Management or Planning Technology” (2021)

    Brandon Hall Group

  • Scott Myers Award for Applied Research in the Workplace, awarded by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2019)

    The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)